things to do in a long-distance relationship

40 Must-Try Things to Do in a Long-Distance Relationship

Long-distance relationships can be challenging, but with a little creativity, they can also be incredibly rewarding. Finding new and engaging things to do in a long-distance relationship is key to maintaining the connection and excitement between you and your partner.

Whether it’s through sharing daily experiences, embarking on virtual adventures, or simply finding new ways to express your love, there are plenty of activities that can bring you closer despite the miles. Let’s explore some of the best ways to keep your long-distance relationship vibrant and strong.

Best Things to Do in a Long-Distance Relationship


1. Create a Travel Blog or Vlog Together

Collaborate on a blog or vlog that captures the essence of your daily lives, travels, and dreams. This shared project not only helps you stay connected by consistently communicating and creating together but also serves as a wonderful archive of your relationship’s journey. Over time, this can become a cherished collection of memories that document how your relationship grows and evolves.

2. Take a Virtual Painting Class

Enroll in an online painting class where you can follow instructions together in real time, each creating your own piece of art. This activity allows you to share a creative experience, offering a fun and relaxing way to spend an evening. Once completed, you can exchange your artworks through mail or save them to display together when you next meet, creating a personal gallery of your relationship.

3. Plan a Surprise Virtual Escape Room

Organize a virtual escape room experience designed for remote players, which can be an exciting date idea that tests your teamwork and problem-solving skills. This interactive challenge will require you to communicate effectively and work cooperatively to solve puzzles and riddles. It’s a dynamic way to engage with each other and enjoy a sense of accomplishment together.

4. Write a Story or Poem Together

Start a creative writing project where you build a story or a poem together, adding to it in turns. This can be a deeply personal way to connect, allowing you to express your feelings and experiences through narrative or verse. Sharing this creative outlet can deepen your understanding of each other and provide a unique insight into each other’s thoughts and emotions.

5. Remote Stargazing

Pick a night to simultaneously step outside and admire the stars while connected through a call. Use stargazing apps to help identify constellations and planets, and share any wishes or dreams you feel inspired to discuss. This romantic activity creates a moment of togetherness, bridging the physical distance with the vastness of the night sky.

6. Plan a Future World Tour

Spend time mapping out a detailed world tour for the future, including destinations you both are eager to explore. Research and plan the activities you would enjoy together, such as dining at renowned eateries, visiting famous landmarks, and experiencing local cultures. This not only fuels your shared wanderlust but also strengthens your partnership by building excitement for future adventures together.

7. Play Multiplayer Virtual Reality Games

If you both have access to VR headsets, explore virtual reality by playing multiplayer games or visiting virtual spaces together. VR offers a uniquely immersive way to interact, allowing you to feel like you are truly sharing the same space. Whether you choose adventurous games or peaceful explorations, VR provides a novel way to spend time together that feels incredibly real.

8. Run a Book Club for Two

Create a private book club where you read the same book simultaneously and meet regularly to discuss it over video calls. This allows for intellectually stimulating conversations and shared learning experiences, which can strengthen your emotional connection. Choose books from different genres to keep the discussions lively and enriching.

9. Crafting DIY Projects for Each Other

Select personal DIY projects to work on, such as knitting a scarf, crafting a photo frame, or assembling a custom gadget. This allows you to put personal effort and thought into creating something special for your partner. Once finished, you can exchange these handmade gifts, adding a tangible element of care and affection to your relationship.

10. Shared Online Scrapbooking

Utilize digital tools to create a shared online scrapbook that captures memories from your relationship. This can include photos, videos, messages, and digital mementos that reflect your time together and apart. This ongoing project can be a joyful and creative way to document your journey, giving you both something beautiful to look back on and add to over time.

Fun Things to Do in a Long-Distance Relationship

1. Interactive Storytelling Apps

Use apps that allow you to create interactive stories or adventures where you make choices that influence the outcome. This can be a playful way to engage in storytelling together, allowing both to contribute to the narrative and see how different choices play out.

2. Online Trivia Nights

Join online trivia games or host your own trivia night via video call. Choose themes that interest both of you or explore new topics. This is a great way to learn new facts together and inject some friendly competition into your relationship.

3. Podcast Listening Sessions

Pick a podcast series and listen to an episode at the same time. Afterwards, discuss what you learned or thought about the episode. This can lead to deep conversations and help you discover new shared interests.

4. Theme-Based Photo Challenges

Create a weekly photo challenge where you both take photos based on a specific theme, such as nature, urban life, or self-portraits in different outfits. Share the photos at the end of the week and discuss your perspectives and experiences.

5. Create a Couple’s Bucket List

Dream up a bucket list of things you both want to do together in the future. This can include small achievable goals as well as bigger dreams and adventures. It’s a great way to plan for the future and keep your spirits high.

6. Remote Karaoke Sessions

Set up a remote karaoke session using one of the many apps or YouTube. Sing your favorite songs to each other and enjoy some laughter and musical fun, no matter how off-key!

7. Language Learning Together

Choose a new language to learn together, using apps or online courses. Set goals and practice speaking the language during your calls. This shared learning experience can add a new dimension to your communication and prepare you for future travels.

8. DIY Craft Competitions

Engage in a friendly craft competition where you both make something using the same materials or theme. This can include painting, building something out of recyclables, or even simple drawing challenges. Share the results and decide on a winner, or just enjoy the process of creating.

9. Mystery Audio Dates

Prepare a playlist of various sounds and audio clips, and play them for each other during a call. Each person has to guess the source of the sound or the meaning behind it. This can be a creative and amusing way to enhance your auditory connection.

10. Yoga or Meditation Sessions

Participate in a yoga or meditation session together through a live stream or a pre-recorded video. This activity can help reduce the stress of being apart and increase your emotional sync by focusing on your wellbeing together.

Romantic Things to Do in a Long-Distance Relationship

Romantic Things

1. Surprise Video Messages

Record sweet, unexpected video messages expressing your love, thoughts, or simply recounting your day, and send them when your partner least expects it. These can be great mood lifters and a delightful surprise that reminds them of your affection.

2. Create a Love Map

Build a “love map” that charts your relationship journey, including where you met, places you’ve visited together, and special memories. Use an online tool or app where you can both add locations, photos, and little notes.

3. Virtual Candlelit Dinner

Arrange a virtual dinner date where both of you dress up, set the table beautifully with candles, and enjoy a meal together over video chat. Try cooking the same meal in advance or order similar style dishes from local restaurants.

4. Write a Love Letter Series

Start writing a series of love letters and mail them out over time. Make each letter unique by discussing different themes such as future plans, dreams, daily love affirmations, or recalling cherished memories.

5. Plan a Future Romantic Getaway

Spend time planning a detailed romantic getaway for when you can be together next. Research destinations, create itineraries, and build excitement about the things you’ll do and see together, from beaches to cozy mountain retreats.

6. Stargaze at the Same Time

Choose a night to look at the stars simultaneously while on a call. Discuss what you see and feel, or make wishes on shooting stars. This shared experience can feel incredibly intimate, even when apart.

7. Send a Personalized Care Package

Put together a care package filled with items that mean something to both of you, like your favorite snacks, a sweater that smells like you, a new book, or a thoughtful memento that brings back memories.

8. Dedicate a Song on the Radio

Dedicate a song to them on a radio station that they can listen to, and make sure to tell them when to tune in. This old-school romantic gesture is sure to bring a smile and create a memorable moment.

9. Plan a ‘Future Day’

Spend a day planning your future in detail, from your wedding to future children, or even retirement dreams. Discussing long-term plans can strengthen your bond and remind you both why you’re making the effort to stay connected.

10. Remote Spa Day

Set up a spa day where you both pamper yourselves at the same time on a video call. Prepare face masks, light some candles, and play relaxing music. End the session by sharing thoughts and feelings in a relaxed state.

Cute Things to Do in a Long-Distance Relationship

1. Morning Wake-Up Calls

Start your partner’s day off right by being their morning alarm with a sweet wake-up call. Share some positive affirmations or just express how much you look forward to your day because they are in it.

2. Bedtime Stories

End the day by reading bedtime stories to each other over the phone or through video chat. Choose light-hearted, soothing tales or even romantic poems that allow you to wind down together before sleep.

3. Customized Playlists

Create and share playlists of songs that remind you of each other, special moments, or your relationship in general. You can make different playlists for different moods—like cheering up, relaxing, or feeling loved.

4. Dream House Planning

Have a fun session where you both discuss and plan your dream house. Use online tools to create mood boards or layouts of what each room would look like, sharing ideas about your ideal living space.

5. Virtual Coffee Dates

Set a time to have coffee together over a video call, mimicking a real cafe date. You can even make it interesting by trying out the same coffee recipes or visiting similar type cafes in your respective locations during the call.

6. Send Funny E-Cards

Surprise each other with funny e-cards or create your own humorous greetings. This can lighten the mood and bring a smile, especially on tougher days.

7. Fashion Show at Home

Have a virtual fashion show where you try on different outfits and let the other person choose what they like best. This can also be a playful way to get ready for a virtual date night.

8. Pet Play Dates

If you both have pets, arrange a virtual playdate for them. You can enjoy watching your pets interact with each other over video, or just show off their cute antics and tricks.

9. Plant Growing Competition

Start growing the same type of plant in each of your locations. Regularly update each other with photos or videos to track the progress and see whose plant thrives best, adding a bit of competitive fun to nurturing life.

10. Countdown Until Next Meet

Create a cute countdown calendar for when you will next see each other. You can send daily or weekly updates with a cute note or a picture, making each day special as you count down together.

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